Landlord’s should not rely on government loans to tenants for rent. Landlords and tenants need to work on the realty on the choices tenants have to borrow or use cash reserves..Yes, there is a written agreement, but times have changed.
Troubled Times in Construction
When you plan ahead you can reduce the pain of finishing.
Retail shopping centers have increased along with rents and taxes, and the number of customers has decreased and the average earnings have not kept pace with the cost increases. Thus, commercial tenants have paid higher rents and taxes just trying to increase their business. How do we handle this with COVID-19 in the picture?
Kendall Laughlin is now accepting commercial lease and other real estate clients in Waco, TX Business investments, and therefore the commercial real estate opportunities, in Waco, TX and McClennan County, continue to grow. Commercial real estate contracts, leases, purchases, and sales in Waco, TX
From his office on Dragon St., Kendall Laughlin comments that “Dallas is a great place to do business, and the Design District is Dallas’s next frontier.” Get in now by making your development plan and meeting with a local attorney like Kendall Laughlin.
Problem: Client needs a ground lease to allow for water re-cycle plant and equipment…